The following is a guest post by Michelle Smallegan.
While most of us enjoy traveling to some extent, it can sometimes be a challenge to stay healthy and comfortable when away from home. Whether you have plans this summer for a long distance road trip, family camping adventure, or a lengthy journey involving air travel, there are a few simple things you can do to maximize your chances of feeling good while out and about.
One of the best favors you can do for your body when traveling is to get plenty of rest. Even when taking a trip for pleasure, you might still find that it can be slightly stressful and taxing to your body. With long days in the sun, frequent excitement, or possibly more foot travel than normal, you are likely to be pretty exhausted at the end of each day. By getting enough rest at night (and taking relaxing breaks during the day if necessary), you can avoid overexerting yourself and be ready for a fresh start each morning.

Staying hydrated during travel is absolutely crucial. Carrying a reusable water bottle daily is a great idea to make sure you always have something on hand to quench your thirst. Refill it frequently and drink up to avoid dehydration and even to help naturally counter the effects of jet lag (as well as another unpleasant problem you’ll see below!).
Searching out the best quality and healthiest foods available is also critical to feeling good during travel. Stick to food sources from reliable vendors to help avoid illness and if possible, purchase organic options. Also, bringing along your own healthy snacks from home is a great idea. Healthy eats on the road can include everything from granola and crackers with nut butter to mini-burritos.
Staying as close as possible to the diet you are used to at home can also help to ensure good digestion. Remember that you’re body may already be going through potential climate and elevation changes- the less other changes you add, the better!
If you will be staying in a hotel, try to request a room with a mini fridge so that you can stock up on a few cold items such as yogurt, cheese, pre-cut veggies, and 100% juice from a local grocery store. Having these healthy snacks on hand to munch on in the room or when heading out the door can be very convenient. Otherwise, if camping, fill a big cooler with plenty of items from home and add ice as necessary.
Staying Sanitary
Keeping hands clean, especially after being in public places like stores, restrooms, and airports is also very important to staying healthy during travel. Washing them regularly (and for at least 20 seconds) is a recommended and bringing along your own natural hand sanitizer for extra convenience is a good option, too.

Walking to your different local destinations for fresh air, to soak up some sunshine, and to get a little exercise when possible is a healthy option. If you are camping, you will likely have no choice but to do this, but if in a city, taking a walk instead of calling a cab during the day may be a healthy thing to do and save you money at the same time.
Bathroom Problem?
If you suffer from the dreaded vacation constipation (which is more common than you might think!), staying hydrated, increasing your fiber intake, eating only when hungry, and going to the bathroom when you feel the urge (instead of waiting until later) are all things may help the situation. Also, to prepare ahead, it’s recommended to avoid alcohol even a few days before the trip.
If you have any other tips for staying healthy when traveling, please feel free to share. We’d love to hear them!
Michelle Smallegan has a passion for natural health and green living. She enjoys sharing ideas for making both of these simple on her blog, openeyehealth.