By now, you all know how much I love succulents. So when I saw this wreath idea on Pinterest, I fell in love and knew I had to make it. I was determined to not only be inspired, but to also actually make it happen.
My wreath wasn”t very hard to make at all, it just took a little planning. Gigi (four years old) was able to help me out, too, which was great!
The original idea came from Prudent Baby. And hers came out beautifully as you”ll see from the photo below. I love the colors she was able to find! Jamie”s tutorial is easy to follow (and I loved her supply list complete with Amazon links- easy peasy!).
Getting Started
The first thing Gigi and I did was go around the yard collecting succulent cuttings. I used the garden shears mostly, but let her help a little bit with supervision. My yard, while full of succulent surprises, didn”t offer quite the color variety as Jamie”s, but I”m still very pleased with it (and Gigi loves it, too).

Then, as you may have seen on Twitter or Instagram (I”m nicoleakagidget there), we laid out our cuttings to dry out for the weekend. The drying-out time makes this a project that can”t be done in one day; working in small chunks of time on different days worked great with a four-year old though.

While Gigi had her afternoon “quiet play time” in her room, I soaked the moss for a bit and then put it on the frame. The tutorial called for fishing line, but I forgot to grab some from my dad, so I just used some cotton thread I had– I think I like how the thread worked better anyway!
The Fun Part

Gigi loved helping place the cuttings.

We used a twig to poke holes in the moss where necessary, and dipped each cutting in water, then rooting hormone before placing it. The heavier clippings I pinned in with bobby pins.

I love how it turned out (doesn”t it look beachy?), and that Gigi and I were able to make it together.
(Updated with the following photo!)

Our succulent wreath is hanging on the wall on our front porch, where I”ll be able to spritz it with water every now and then, and where it can happily welcome our visitors.
Have you made or done anything you found on Pinterest yet? I”m thinking of making “Pinterest-to-Real-Life” a somewhat regular feature around here.