It”s that time again… the last Friday of the month means our fun linky where you can showcase some of the fun things that you”ve taken from your pinboards to reality!

I”m not sure if it”s due to a post-holiday detox or the fact that my craft area is currently still “under construction” after I started (but have yet to finish) my new year organization overhaul, but this month I didn”t do much crafting. So for January, the pins that saw the light of real life are mostly on the tasty side…
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
This smoothie was delicious! We”ve taken an idea from my friend Kara of Simple Kids to add a afternoon smoothie to our family”s daily rhythm and this one was a fun detour from our usual blend (which actually is very similar to Kara”s Purple Flurple).
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
This tasty salad was kid- and husband-approved in my house. David is still getting used to quinoa but he really liked it mixed up with all these goodies.
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Another husband-pleasing meal. It was a tad rich for the kiddos but the adults were stoked on this dinner.
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
A delicious way to enjoy make-ahead oatmeal. All five of us loved this breakfast.
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Well, it”s been three glorious, healthy months since our last sickness around here but we”re starting to feel a cold creep in, so I finally made a batch of this elderberry syrup. It tastes delicious so it”s easy to get everyone to take their doses. I”ll keep you posted on whether it helps us fight it off!
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
I loved this idea and thought I might have to start incorporating this idea into a blog post every so often. I”m think once a month or so I might include some of these current musings into a Weekend Links post… look for the first edition this Sunday!
I”ve added a couple of new boards and reorganized a bit, as you can see if you”d like to visit my profile on Pinterest. I can”t wait to see and hear what you”ve been up to… Here”s to more pinning and more doing!
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