Written by editor Nicole Bennett of Gidget Goes Home.
I can hardly believe we’re rounding out February already, but I guess it is a short month after all. I’m on a bit of a birthday high still as I celebrated last weekend– I like to think that God gave me a winter birthday to help me get through my least favorite season. I’m a total Summer Girl, but February is still one of my favorite months.
The end of the month is one of my favorite times to blog because I get to recap the creative ways I’ve actually used Pinterest to inspire some real-life creations.
I find myself lacking the time to just “surf” Pinterest these days. As much as I would love to scroll through my feed and see what all the creative people I’m following are pinning and repin to my heart’s content, it just hasn’t been happening these days.
How am I using it then? I’m collecting and curating ideas I find elsewhere, whether that’s in magazines, on blogs I read regularly or random links I get from others on Twitter or Facebook or via other blogs. I pin them to as a way to bookmark my ideas in logical ways. This is why Pinterest is such an effective way to catalogue ideas for me– I always used to lose track of my bookmarks since I couldn’t visually see them categorized. Oh, Pinterest, how I love thee!!

I had a lot of fun tackling a few things on my to-do list this month.
Citrus-infused booze
We have a crazy amount of family birthdays in January and February. First, for my dad’s birthday, I grabbed an idea from Sunset Magazine to make him some citrus-infused booze.

I settled on a lemon tequila and a lime gin, and I even used meyer lemons and mexican limes from his own tree. He just texted me today and said the gin was great!
Baseball seam bracelet
Next, for my sister-in-law, who loves baseball like I do, I finally got around to making a fun little gift from an idea I pinned ages ago.

It’s a bracelet made from an actual baseball! I used an Xacto knife for the first time (with only giving myself I tiny little cut) and will definitely be making one for Gigi and me before we take our annual trip to Spring Training next month.
P-Dub’s cinnamon rolls
The last thing I’ll show you today is something else I’ve been wanting to try for a long time, but was a bit intimidated… Pioneer Woman’s famous cinnamon rolls. A while back I pinned her post where she addresses some questions about the recipe, and I decided to finally make them for our Valentine’s Day breakfast-for-dinner.

It was perfect to have a couple of pans in the freezer to pull out a couple of days later for my birthday sleepover (I had a few friends spend the night after a Pride & Prejudice marathon- my kids loved waking up to find a few of Mommy’s friends there!).
What have you been creating this month? Let us know in the comments, link up a blog post or join in on Instagram with the hashtag #pinteresttoreallife.
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