It”s that time again… the last Friday of the month means our fun linky where you can showcase some of the fun things that you”ve taken from your pinboards to reality!

What better use of Pinterest than for inspiration for a handmade, homemade holiday?
With limited time for crafting and creating due to the needs of three certain little people, my Christmas board is full of pins that will have to wait for future years to see reality. But I still enjoyed collecting a few ideas. Maybe 2012 will be the year I finally get started on the holiday crafts and gifts at the end of summer like I always hope to!
Here are some of my pins that did see the light of reality one way or another.
Hoop Art

The modern way to get gift ideas for loved ones? Check their Pinterest boards for ideas! I wanted to make my sister-in-law a hoop art piece, so I snooped around her boards to find a good quote or verse to embroider for her. When I saw this pin, I used it as inspiration to create her gift.
Now if only all my family members were on Pinterest, gifting would be a breeze!
Cinnamon Spice Body Oil

I originally pinned a different body oil recipe, but then when I found Crunchy Betty”s version, I was hooked on the idea of a cinnamon spice oil. Since my mom has always used baby oil upon exiting the shower, this seemed like a perfect way to to persuade her away from her petroleum-based version. The body oil was a great addition to the gift basket of homemade goodies I made her.
Sweet Little Bib

Since six-month old babies don”t know better, I didn”t worry too much about gifts for baby Hallee. I went for a few simple and practical, yet cute, gifts for her stocking. When I came across this bib tutorial on Pinterest, I thought it was perfect! All babies need bibs, but babies starting baby-led weaning (more on that another day!) especially do.
One Last (Yummy) Pin to Share
Source: via Nicole on Pinterest
Looking for a delicious winter meal? I tore this recipe for Beef and Barley Soup out of my October Martha Stewart Living mag and am making it tonight for the second time. It”s so tasty with a dollop of sour cream mixed with a bit of horseradish. Soak the barley up to twelve hours to make it even more digestible!
My Latest Board
To prepare for future gifts and holidays, I realized it would be helpful to have a place to pin ideas that would specifically make good gifts for my friends and family, so I started a new board for pinning homemade gift ideas.
I can”t wait to see what you”ve been doing, eating and creating from your pins!
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