I definitely don’t consider myself an expert on holistic, natural wellness. I’m still learning, gleaning what I can from great books and blogs and my natureopathic doctor.
As we enter the season where we are being bombarded with guilt- and fear-based campaigns for the flu shot and other medicines and antibiotics, I’m attempting to brave the natural road one more time. Last year was really the first time I attempted a more natural program of immunity and wellness, and I’m hoping for even better results this year for me and my family.
We read about Stephanie’s awesome home remedies last week, and now we’ll look at a handful of simple preventative tools.
Here are my very basic weapons against getting sick:
- Water with lemon, 5-7 mornings a week
- Using my neti pot (preventatively), at least 2 times a week
- Multivitamin, daily (since I’m always open to getting pregnant, I try to remember to stay on a prenatal vitamin regiment- plus they’re also good for the nails and hair)
- Probiotics, daily
- Cod liver oil, for vitamin D, daily
- Lots of garlic and raw honey
- Frequent and thorough hand-washing
- Cleaning the bathrooms extra often

I’m hoping to continue to learn more this month here on Simple Organic and elsewhere, and I’m really excited about Stephanie’s series at Keeper of the Home this month on Natural Home Remedies and Illness Prevention. She started out with a great guest post about boosting your immune system with real foods. And hopefully you didn’t miss Katie’s recent post featuring more great ideas (and a recipe!) for staying healthy with real foods.
The more I learn about a traditional diet of real foods and homeopathic remedies, the more I see the body’s natural ability and power to fight off sickness.
What are your favorite natural immune boosters and wellness tools?