Since 2008, The Art of Simple has been a go-to bright spot for millions of readers who care about the journey of simplifying life: how to live well and ignore the rest.
This isn’t a space for dogmatic preaching about the “rules” of simple living — it’s the lens through which we filter what we care about. Whether it’s something inward, like how to navigate a personal faith shift, or something outward, like how to care for the earth from your own home, we like diving into the stuff that makes life worth living.
In early 2008, Tsh Oxenreider launched this site as a creative outlet for her life as an expat abroad, and it quickly became a popular, community-focused blog and podcast about the art (and science) of embracing a slower, simpler life than the cultural norm.

Head here to learn more about Tsh’s current work.

Since 2009, The Art of Simple has been a community-driven site, with hundreds of people writing essays about what they've learned in their own lives about saying no and yes to the right things. It's a veritable treasure trove of wisdom here.
Enjoy a deep-dive into all our archives!