Reading is one of my very favorite pastimes. I love to get lost in the characters of a novel or learn new things from non-fiction.
Usually my list includes at least a few green living books, and this year is no exception. Here’s a list of books that either I’ve read and would recommend, or that I hope to read soon. Maybe it’ll inspire you to add a few green books to your to-read list.

General Green Living
• Sara Snow’s Fresh Living: The Essential Room-by-Room Guide to a Greener, Healthier Family and Home, by Sara Snow
I got this from the library this past year and read it cover to cover. Some of it is pretty basic green living information, but I learned enough new things from it that it’s one I’d add to my personal collection as a great book to reference on all things green living.
• Green Like God: Unlocking the Divine Plan for Our Planet, by Jonathan Merritt
I picked this one up used because it came so highly recommended from my friend Megan. I’m just a few chapters in, but so far it’s good stuff for those of us who are Christians and also care about creation.
• Go Green, Save Green:A Simple Guide to Saving Time, Money, and God’s Green Earth, by Nancy Sleeth
This is a thorough resource for those interested in green and frugal living. She covers just about every topic you could think of, along with great research and statistics; it’s a book I often reach for off my shelf as a resource.

Homemaking and Gardening
• Clean House Clean Planet, by Karen Logan
20 years old, this book is a classic in the green genre—I’ve heard good things about it and have been meaning to read it for a while, so it’s on my list of books to read this year.
• The Backyard Homestead, by Carleen Madigan
I’ve checked this book out from the library at least three times, and kept it past its due date each time. This book is such a great resource for gardening all different types of fruits and vegetables, especially in small spaces, like we do in our front yard raised beds. I also love reading about raising animals and other topics included that I dream of doing one day.
• Make Your Place: Affordable & Sustainable Nesting Skills, by Raleigh Briggs
This is another book I’ve heard great things about and have had my eye on for a while. The subtitle sounds exactly up my alley!

Family and Children
• Raising Baby Green:The Earth-Friendly Guide to Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Care by Dr. Alan Greene
This is one of those classic green family living books, yet I’ve never read it. I’m especially interested in reading it this year since I’m pregnant and planning to care for another baby eco-consciously.
• Healthy Child, Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home, by Christopher Gavigan
I picked this book up on a bargain book table and am really glad I did. It’s a great resource for evaluating different areas of your life, and gives specific, practical ways for families to green their homes.
• Smart Mama’s Green Guide: Simple Steps to Reduce Your Child’s Toxic Chemical Exposure, by Jennifer Taggart
At first I was a little overwhelmed and intimidated by this book. But now that many of the green changes I’ve made are second nature to me, I’m ready to take it to the next level with reducing toxins and chemicals. I’m hoping this book will help me with that, and I’m looking forward to reading it this year.

Green Health & Beauty
• Do It Gorgeously: How to Make Less Toxic, Less Expensive, and More Beautiful Products, by Sophie Uliano
I follow Sophie on Twitter, and she always has great tips and advice. I’m looking forward to reading this book and diving into making more of my own beauty products at home.
• Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family, by Rosemary Gladstar
I picked out this book from a list of recommended books by my friend Stacy. I’m brand new to making natural remedies at home, and I think this book would be an awesome resource to have on hand.
• Green Beauty Recipes, by Julie Gabriel
I’ve heard good things about this book, and am hoping to find it at the library so I can check it out for myself. I’m really interested in learning more about and expanding my repertoire of homemade personal care products this year.
p.s. Wash your hair without shampoo, wash your face with oil, and the 101 of starting a garden.